Haaapy New Year!!!

Haaaaapy New Year peeps!!!Yasss we made it!!!Welcome to 2017!! Ok before I go on about why I am so excited to be part of the privileged ones to witness this beautiful year...lemme give you a little insight about how my "brown" Christmas turned "white" in the end! LOL! So few days to Christmas,I went shopping for a month's supply of groceries,etc because I kinda felt with the recession and all,I shouldn't rely on the usual flow of hampers usually sent!*sigh* Wellll...from nowhere,there comes a big,beautifully packed hamper...and another and another!!!OMG! I couldn't believe it*big smile* As if that wasn't enough,I got calls inviting me for hook-ups,hangouts,a Christmas party..and another one!! I was like Waaaat!! So all my brooding about a boring,brown Christmas just vanished into thin air in the twinkle of an eye??? God is really awesome!! Soooo yes...I had a lovely,white Christmas which I didn't plan..or envisage and at the end of all ...