The Easter Celebration!

It's gonna be a long weekend where this week ended on Thursday and next week begins on Tuesday*big smile* A very BIG thanks to the Easter celebration!! Going into meditation over the Lenten period which involved a lotta prayers and fasting for many,it really came at a good time. For those who fast alongside prayers,especially during the period of Lent,it works as a refreshing path to your spiritual life and even physical. I usually use this period for deep meditation on my life,achievements and yet-to-be attained goals. I know it starts with the New Year..resolutions and all but like I always's one month at a time just like it's one day at a time, so you can't achieve ALL set goals in one day but just might achieve it the next day if you take time to pause,think through again,re-strategise and pursue the goal(s) once again! I got a lotta peeps saying the fasting even helped them on their path to a healthy lifestyle or weight loss! Funny as ...