Give Your Health a Boost!

Hey peeps!!Hope you have had a good week so far*smiles*
And soooo the weekend is almost here and for some of us who have indulged all week…this post comes as a good reminder!
If you have being indulging in fatty foods and unhealthy diets, Detoxing can be a great way to get your health back on track!

Whether you like it or not…We all need to detox our body from time to time especially when we forget all about portion control and proper dieting!*sighs*
Although its sometimes easy to look for a quick fix to give you a health boost, but this isn't always the best way to get your body in tip top shape.
The best way to rid your body of toxins by regular detox and allow your body naturally realign itself and get back on track.

I will give a few tips on how to get a natural detox :

-Take fruits like oranges, apples, even warm water mixed with some lemon..taken first thing in the morning, will help a whole lot in reducing toxin exposure and even weight loss!

-Exercise regularly…take short walks, run up the stairs if you have to, skip rope , jog or even run few kms and combine with minutes of aerobic workouts.

-Take enough fibre…eat plenty of high fibre vegetables or foods, drink plenty water and even some green tea.

-Reduce sugar intake…excess sugar can upset the gut flora and even pile on the pounds if not burnt off as energy immediately.
So you's not that difficult!
Give your body a healthy boost cos it's the only one you have!LOL!
Have a healthy weekend!


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