The Easter Celebration!

It's gonna be a long weekend where this week ended on Thursday and next week begins on Tuesday*big smile*
A very BIG thanks to the Easter celebration!!

Going into meditation over the Lenten period which involved a lotta prayers and fasting for many,it really came at a good time.

For those who fast alongside prayers,especially during the period of Lent,it works as a refreshing path to your spiritual life and even physical.

I usually use this period for deep meditation on my life,achievements and yet-to-be attained goals.

I know it starts with the New Year..resolutions and all but like I always's one month at a time just like it's one day at a time, so you can't achieve ALL set goals in one day but just might achieve it the next day if you take time to pause,think through again,re-strategise  and pursue the goal(s) once again!

I got a lotta peeps saying the fasting even helped them on their path to a healthy lifestyle or weight loss! Funny as it sounds,it actually does..whichever way you look at it.
And soooo my point is...sometimes in life,we need the PUSH mode to get something going in order to achieve an intended but yet procrastinated goal!

Now the celebration of the season begins and oh sure will be celebrated!!
There have been loads of deals on almost everything shoppable in the last one or two weeks and discounts on getaways,cuisines..etc so I can tell you for free, a lotta people will celebrate it inclusive! LOL!

Funny enuff, some guys are already getting scared, wondering if their babe is expecting an Easter gift,Easter cake,Easter egg or even an Easter Boat Cruise!*laughing my head off*smh*

Welll...on a lighter might as well be celebrated cos who knows when next in the year there will be a holiday giving 4-5days of rest and all!
Just be ready to get back on your grind when the holiday is over next week and don't start whining when you wake up and realise Monday is here and all the Easter eggs are gone!*smiles*

On that note..I wish y'all a wonderful Easter celebration!!


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