Is It Your Attitude or Your True Personality?

Is there really a difference between one's personality and one's attitude?? be honest I think there's quite a difference between the two. Thinking about it now...there are hot-tempered peeps who don't surprise you with their temper so when they blow least it's something you already expect and you waive it off knowing that's how they are(their personality)!...But the quick-tempered peeps could be a little different because the outburst just comes from nowhere right in the middle of a discussion..leaving u shocked and speechless like a statue(their attitude)!!LOL!*smh* Funny enough,I think everyone's attitude could differ at anytime... but what makes the difference is what makes you upset..or suddenly angry ,how you express your anger/how often..and of whom!(which is the reason why personality and attitude become confusing). More often than not,this confusion between personality and attitude happens in relationships or friend...