Do You Have A Clue..??

I have observed for a long while now that a lotta people see the forms of social media as a way to expose their negativity,rather than a medium for productivity!
I will focus on Instagram because i noticed facebook users have a somewhat better connection to whoever they,friends,colleagues etc.Most times,people connected on facebook have either met at some point in life (through school,work,church or even events),so it's only if you accept such a friendship that a person connects with you on facebook!

Now back to instagram..*smiles*
How do you insult or lash out at someone you don't know,have never met..or would never even meet?
How do your words of bad judgement help the person in a better way or any way?
Do you even have a clue about what the person is going through,battling with silently?
Does being a follower give you the right to spill out words of hate because the person followed has commited an offence or is a celebrity??
Actually,some would say the lashing on celebrities is debatable because they are public figures and as such,criticisms are expected. But then,one seems to forget that under that cloak of celebrity,there lies a human being facing severe challenges in life and might even be helpless but can't cry out because the world is watching!
Do you have a clue?? *sighs*

It's ok to dislike someone..or even dislike that person for no particular reason,but it's definitely not ok to disrespect,degrade or even humiliate that person just because you have access to do so,especially through social media!
Infact,in my opinion..spilling out words of hate say a lot about u because when you love yourself,you aren't capable of hating someone..regardless of what they have done!

Moving on...i think it's time we realise that there's already so much hate going on the world right now that an extra pound or more bags of hate towards someone,won't make it any better but instead worsen the situation!

Dealing with the increase in suicide recently,it's clear that a lotta people we see are fighting battles we cannot even imagine!
Do you really have a clue?? Just because you see a person smiling everyday,laughing at every given opportunity..doesn't completely justify that all is well!
Be kind with words (if you must speak)..lend a listening ear(if you can spare the time)..say it's ok to go through certain challenges or feel down but it's more important to remember that there's a reason for everything that happens and through every tunnel,there comes light at the end...after every rain/storm comes sunshine!

The little words of encouragement,(rather than shouts laced with insults and criticisms), could just be the last thing the person needed to hear before jumping off a bridge or taking a pill overdose.

Do not be part of the reason someone ends his life...instead be the reason why that person knows that life is still worth living despite all the mishaps and disappointments!
Be careful when lashing out those hurtful words because a few bad words might not seem a big deal to you,but may stick with that person for a lifetime!

Till my next,laugh,love..and of cos stay blessed!


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