Speaking Up..!

It seems a pretty difficult task for some of us to voice out our opinions on our beliefs, values or even opinons!
I think it appears more difficult when we are dealing with family,friends or people we care about because of the fear of being hurtful to them.

At some point we even compromise our values or tailor our opinions just to avoid confrontations or endless hours of unproductive arguments!

Truth be told...i am not a passive person by nature but i realised that in the bid to avoid lengthy conflicts,i just conveniently shy away sometimes from imposing my opinion or belief on the issue in contention!*sighs*
Funny enough,i got so angry with myself sometimes for not having the willpower to aggressively stand up for my opinion and making the other person accept my views,regardless of the consequences!*smh*
I came to realise that sometimes(if not,most times),you have to possess that inner strength that allows you to be truthful not just to yourself,but to others and damn the consequences that may arise from speaking up!
In the course of speaking up,it is likely you might push others away or even seem like you come on too strong because of your strong-minded nature or honesty but trust me...friends who resent you for your honesty/truthfulness are definitely not worth your friendship!

Honestly,it's not always easy for some people to accept the truth (LOL!I'm guilty of that sometimes),so before speaking up,you have to find a balance and know your limits so as to maintain a positive discussion/relationship with the person.
Even though telling the truth may be difficult for many people,it's the approach that we take,that allows us earn the respect of others!

It's important to put the person in reasonable consideration and remember that it's not what you say but how you say it that truly matters!
You must remember to choose your words carefully,use the appropriate language and apply the right tone in your voice as you speak constructively and of cos,tactfully criticise the matter at hand!

Be real!Just say it as you truly feel,with the right words,in the right manner and you will earn respect for speaking up!
Speaking up for what we believe in,sharing our views positively...can be helpful and beneficial when it's done kindly,constructively and appropriately!

Till my next post...live,laugh,love and of cos ...stay blessed!


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