Whose Reward Are You Really Seeking?

Some call it charity..Some call it philanthropy and Some simply call it helping the poor/less privileged.
Now what gives me concern about this act recently is the fact that this act has become something that the giver feels justified in doing,only after he has publicised his generosity or the extent of his largesse!

With the desire to assist in the welfare of the less privileged or donate generously to the needy, why is it so important to call a photographer,take pictures,get on social media platforms and post each picture showing how you presented cartons of drinks,food or beverages so the whole world can see you as the ever-generous giver or the certified philanthropist!*smh*

What really changed from the days when the giver is open handed and the whole world doesnt have to know about his every act of benevolence?

Am I wrong in thinking charity is supposed to be an act of selflessness where the giver gives out of compassion without seeking praise ,validation or a reward from the public?

As a philanthropist,must you publicly show your every act of humanitarianism to the the less privileged?

Does that justify the means to promote your brand as a non-governmental organisation?

If it does,how come there are other philanthropists out there who are wealthier and even more generous,but do not show off or publicise their acts of compassion to others who seek their help?
Whose reward or acknowlegdement are you really seeking..God or humans??

Honestly...at some point, as a generous giver,i think it would be necessary to ask yourself this questions.

Work for a cause,not applause! Live your life to truly express and not to impress!
Don't strive so hard to get recognition for your generosity..just allow your good works speak for itself!

Till my next post,live..laugh...love...and of cos stay blessed!


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