Happy Children's Day!

Hello peeps!!

And so in Nigeria today,(May 27th)..It is that time of the Year to mark the Children’s Day celebration.
I can never get tired of repeating how children are not just unexplainable bundles of joy but a great blessing from God.
In so many ways,messages are passed physically and spiritually through them..even in their innocence and that's what makes them magical!
For those who can relate,the early stages of sharing moments with them..that's between New-borns and toddlers,could be quite tasking..

..And as a parent,you sit asking yourself when you are gonna start enjoying the fruits of your labour! LOL!

Wellll...trust me..u'd be amazed how time flies with kids growing up and before you realise..they are all grown up getting ready to leave your house and move on! *sighs*
So why not enjoy those "tasking moments" smiling to yourself and say ..."This is just a phase".
Welll..for those who can relate to the scenario of having teenagers already or are already mum-in-laws...your child will always be your child..even at 60..So you shouldn't stop at wishing your 40yr old son..or 45yr old daughter Happy Children's Day!!*smiles*
Make it a Happy Children’s Day showing love somehow..in any way you can..not just for your kids..but for any kid you know by buying cupcakes,ice-cream,a small toy..even a book..better yet a pocket Bible!
It could be anything..as long as it's from your heart..with love!

Once again..Happy Children's Day to all d kids out there..including me!!*wink*
Till my next post...stay blessed!


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