The Healer and The Analyst

Helloooo peeps!Hope you're doing ok!
I'm sure you are wondering who the healer or analyst is?Hahahaha!'s the title and function of the amazing Zodiac sign called Virgo!People who are born between Aug 23 and Sept 22 fall under this interesting sign!
This is certainly not just about the Zodiac sign..Virgo. It's just a post I decided to write about while celebrating the Virgo season and the interesting qualities people under this sign possess...of cos the main reason being that I am Virgo and my birthday was September7th !  LOL!
Even though you aren't a Virgo,you just might have a sibling, friend or colleague who is ..or infact your partner might be dont run off cos you might learn a thing or 2*wink*

I know I have always had this issue of not feeling sleepy early enough at night and this dates back to my school days. I would always wanna run around doing stuff during the day and then settle down at night to read my books till morning! My senses suddenly become sharper and my brain just becomes more in tune with what I need to read!Till this very day...I still find myself wide-eyed in the AM's reading stuff(on my phone though),listening to music,thinking about my goals,meditating over thoughts I need to pursue..etc, even after drinking stuff to make me sleep!
Most Virgos can't sleep at night (insomnia) because they are overthinkers and their thinking and analytical minds keep them awake!*sighs* 

Anyways..I recall a hangout with my friends a few months back..where a lot of us hadnt seen ourselves since college and we all started giving our opinions about each other!I was amazed when majority had some things to say bout of which was ,I will always give an honest advice,regardless of whether it hurts or not! Hmmm..I wasn't quite sure if this was a compliment but I took it in good stride!LOL!

Well..the truth is majority's of Virgos will always hear you out,think of a way to solve your issue and if asked,would give an honest opinion about it cos they don't whether you like it or not..they'll be honest!
They don't just give advice because it sounds good but because it's realistic and logical!
People will think of them as quiet because they have a way of not opening their mouth unless they are absolutely sure of what they are gonna say or how they are gonna say it. They are articulate and this helps them pass across their message effectively.
This is why they are also good story-tellers ,especially when it comes to true stories!*wink*

When a Virgo doesn't want to be will know*smiles* They find it hard to hide their anger or when they get irritated!

Infact,when they get tired of ur bullshit,they will just act like you don't exist and anything you do won't mean anything to me!
Now for this trait..some will call it switching off but I call it shutting down!*sighs*

Virgos are hardworking...not just working hard on a job but working smart enough to achieve what they are pursuing!They are go-getters and highly intelligent so they will do everything they possibly can to achieve that goal because it takes a lot for them to sit back and let someone else take charge!*smiles*

Another amusing trait is Virgos are naturally beautiful and sexy...effortlessly! The best part about a Virgo woman is that her outer beauty is perfectly proportional to her inner beauty!They have a suave yet quiet way that catches the eyes of many! parting line on the wonderful sign that is titled as Healer and has a function as The Analyst...Virgos will never fail to amaze you because they are hard to please,hard to keep up with..and even harder to know!*LOL*

Yeah..yeah..I know we are toooo much but trust me,I am still learning some things about my interesting personality!*covering my face*
Wellll...on that note,if you have any additions or opinions contrary to what I just shared,please feel free to share*smiles*
Till my next,love,laugh and of cos stay blessed!


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