Someone's Watching..!

On an early humid morning,I stroll out of my house going for my usual morning walks,a lady in her late 50's greets me with a smile. In my usual apprehension towards strangers,I respond with a cool,questioning smile! I slowly close my gate,giving her the opportunity to keep walking but i noticed she slowed down her pace. I sense this and am wondering " in no mood for a chat this morning especially with today's weather that isn't exactly generous with some breeze to enable me kill some kilometres!"*sighs* Anyways,i proceed with her still walking in front of me and after a few minutes,she turns back to walk towards me! "Hello!I know we haven't met but i normally see you take your morning walks on some mornings." Am like "Ooh..ok"..with a smile. She goes on to tell me how she has never really been interested in body fitness or workouts,but when she kept seeing me it occured to her that she could easily take morning walks with...