Someone's Watching..!

On an early humid morning,I stroll out of my house going for my usual morning walks,a lady in her late 50's greets me with a smile. In my usual apprehension towards strangers,I respond with a cool,questioning smile!
I slowly close my gate,giving her the opportunity to keep walking but i noticed she slowed down her pace.
I sense this and am wondering " in no mood for a chat this morning especially with today's weather that isn't exactly generous with some breeze to enable me kill some kilometres!"*sighs*
Anyways,i proceed with her still walking in front of me and after a few minutes,she turns back to walk towards me!
"Hello!I know we haven't met but i normally see you take your morning walks on some mornings."
Am like "Ooh..ok"..with a smile.

She goes on to tell me how she has never really been interested in body fitness or workouts,but when she kept seeing me it occured to her that she could easily take morning walks without breaking a leg! Infact,it was an opportunity for her to get out of her house that she would normally stay in all day and just remain comfortable lying on the couch watching television,worrying over things she couldn't change!
Now that lifted my spirits and automatically,my heart opened up to her!
We proceeded on the walk together,sharing productive information about life,health,businesses,etc!I got to discover she even had a garden at the back of her house,where she plants crops,natural herbs,etc!!
Anyways before i bore you *LOL*,let me just say...Thanks to her approaching me that morning and thanks to my spirit that allowed me grant a warm reception towards her!

Firstly,i was taken aback when she told me how she usually admired me walking past those mornings because i wouldnt have had the slightest idea anyone would have been awake and looking out their window at that time of the morning!
U just never know..Someone's watching!*smiles*

Just keep being you!Keep doing things you effortlessly do in your own unique way and you will be amazed at who you can inspire and how you can inspire.
You would be surprised at how you inspire someone or even people,regardless of their ages/professions!
It could be in your neighbourhood(how you coordinate/treat the cleaners,security personnel or handle estate meetings),your office(how you arrive early at work/respect the junior staff) or even your place of worship(how you come early to church and assist in tidying up before the service,helping the elderly ones compassionately or even how you devotedly donate your offerings despite the fact that everyone there knows you don't have a job at the moment)!

You just never know who sees you as an inspiration...cos trust me.. Someone's watching!*wink*

Till my next post, live,laugh,love and of cos stay blessed!


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