A Model or A Role Model?

While growing up..i knew it was a good thing to have Role models,apart from my parents who did an excellent job in that regard!*smiles*
People I admired...from all walks of life ranging from Professors,Doctors,reputable Businessmen to Celebrities,Artistes,etc.
These are people who you should not only admire their success and aspire to attain yours, but people who have qualities worth emulating!
As years went by,i extended my list of role models,picking them out of their profound knowledge in businesses,their eagerness to help people succeed by being true leaders and not bosses,their way of life or even how they manage life's challenges!
You're probably wondering why this is important..right?
Wellll..i felt this was quite necessary because Role models set goals for you and try to make you as good as they are..or even better!

Now bringing you back to the present..i look up certain people,especially women who i think are worthy of being Role models and slightly immerse myself into their lives,struggles and achievements,particularly actresses,female artistes,etc!
Now don't start thinking i'm some feminist!*smiles*

Could it be the Oscar-winning Actor&Comedian,Late Robbin Williams who committed suicide as a result of severe depression which was one of the symptoms of the disorder,dementia ,that took me by surprise?

Could it be the popular female Nigerian singer who released successful albums,taken on by a popular record label,won quite a number of notable awards,got married about 3years ago,few months after her son's birth,she had marriage issues,seperated from her hubby due to alleged allegations on infidelity,financial recklessness,drug addiction,abuse,etc that got me thinking?

Or could it be the popular Nigerian actress who posted a photo of puppies claiming them as hers..infact gave them names on instagram and eventually took down the post when she got caught??

Or maybe the Nigerian popular actress who got married barely 2years ago,has a son who just clocked a year old and is still on an ongoing battle with her well-known hubby over allegations of infidelity,physical and mental abuse,etc..only to state that all she posted about her picture-perfect marriage were all lies,just to keep up with the societal pressures??

Hmmmm...Well,I am not a saint so the last thing am gonna do is judge anyone!
As long as they learn from their mistakes and do not lead people astray..It's all good!
As long as people learn from their experiences or errors to become better people,It's all good!*sighs*

Anyways,the good thing is..I keep in mind that they are human..just like you and I ,so i don't get sooo disappointed at something they have said or done that my morality or principles don't embrace!

They have insecurities,moments of pain and sorrow when faced with pressures and life's challenges and sometimes don't handle the issues in an exemplary/commendable manner!

How are you to emulate such a model?
How do you upgrade your goals or aspirations from such a model?
How does such insecurity or negativity portrayed by the model, influence your level of thinking or empower you??
Well..like i always say.."We learn everyday!"
So the next time you're thinking of them as some idol,model..or even Role model,please do a rethink!*sighs*
Is he/she suitable to be a model?Yes!
Could he/she be MY Role modelNaaa!*smh*
It's important to realise that noone is as flawless as they portray,no matter the level of success!

Believe in yourself,be who you are!
Embrace what you were born with because you are beautiful&unique!
You were made that way for a reason so learn from their experiences/mistakes and become the best for yourself...Aspire to be a Role model and not just a model!

Till my next post,live,laugh,love..and of cos stay blessed!


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