Put A Filter On It !

In as much as we are human and tend to seek advice occasionally when things happen or are going wrong,one has to be wise to know when to filter such advice or suggestion!
I recently read a social media post from a lady who adviced married ladies that have cheating husbands,to stop fretting about infidelity/walking out of their marriages...but instead they should supply their husbands with enough condoms to protect them from sexual calamities! Yessss!
Did i hear you say Waaaat??..or you are still opening your eyes/mouth in shock?
Yeah i know...i was pretty shocked too so i can imagine!*smh*

At that point my thoughts were caught between whether i was from another planet or the world's changing right before my eyes and i just refuse to see it??Hmmmm*smh again*
..then i went ahead in the course of disgust to read the post further,which talked about a wife not leaving her marriage no matter what , for other single ladies who might want to take over,unless there is physical abuse from the husband! (Hmmm..I must have been brought up on another planet or something!!)
To even have that kinda mindset about a relationship or marriage says a lotta bout your self esteeem, dignity or self-respect as a woman!
Why would you excuse your spouse of infidelity when that is considered as adultery??
If your spouse were to find you guilty of infidelity,will he also excuse you if you told him you used a condom too??
I am of the school of thought that sings "Don't do unto others what you don't want to be done unto you!"
Infidelity is an act of disrespect to your partner,amongst other wrongs!

Anyways,that's just my opinion against a million other people because the truth is,nowadays after all is done..People marry for different reasons and that's why the things that could be considered as taboos back in the days are now even embraced as the norm!*sighs*
Gone are the days when love was the paramount factor for sustaining a marriage!Now it's a long list of factors that need to sustain the relationship/marriage like...love,trust,communication,mutual respect,finance etc!

Some ladies can advice you to marry a man living in a one-room apartment out of love if you see a bright future ahead!
Another will tell you to rather marry someone who has a good job, properties scattered around with a few exotic cars packed in a mansion so you are assured of a secure future as you step into the marriage!(as if she knows what tomorrow may bring and how the phase of grace to grass happens!)*smh*

Speaking of which..i also read recently about a troubled celebrity marriage which faces seperation already , due to various alleged findings on infidelity and abuse.
Now this one really got me because it wasn't about the show of luxury,profound affection etc which the lady portrayed on social media about her husband but more of the fact that,through all this media publicity show of her husband showering her with luxury cars,birthday gifts and exotic vacations round the world,some wives out there believed ALL this and started praying and wishing their husbands/marriages will be just like that or even better!!*sighs*
They kept wondering why their husbands couldn't even give at least half of that to their own marriages!!Some even started questioning if they married the right husband!*smh again*
Now this brings me back to my reason for this post..Be wise and know when to put a filter on it!!
As humans we are most likely to believe what we see or hear at some point but it takes you to put a filter on it!!
Don't believe everything you see or hear(especially social media)!
People go to a great extent painting pictures of things being all rosy and good but behind all that,there could thorns of sadness,bitterness and sorrow!
Things are not always as they seem!!The grass that looks greener than yours might just be full of weeds while your planted flowers are blossoming into beautiful roses!
Just focus on your own life and run your own race because no matter how you look at it,everyone's path has been designed differently!
Live your own life giving it your best shot,pray and hope for the best and just BELIEVE it will eventually come to you..and it will!!

Till my next post,live,laugh,love and of cos stay blessed!


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