Don't Be A Hypocrite...

About 3months ago,my friends and I were sitting in a shop, waiting on the shop attendant.

My friend starts telling us about how he did a job for some guy a few months back and the guy hasn't paid him for his service up till now,claiming he didn't have money to pay him yet!
What got my friend mad at the guy ,was the fact that the guy had the nerve to travel out and he kept posting pictures on Instagram, shopping in expensive stores,showing off the shopping bags and tagging "Life is good!" Imagine that!!*smh*
Before i could even get outta my shock and stop myself from a very loud laugh,my other friend got up shouting "Waaaat!What kinda nonsense is that?How can people be so heartless?How can you owe someone money and you have the heart to do that?How can he be so shameless?bla bla bla!!

I must say..i was pissed myself but i calmed him down,telling him to keep reminding the guy with calls, messages ,visits..and hopefully the guy will pay soon!

Now fast forward to about 3weeks ago..
I offered a service to my friend (the one that kept shouting about how people can be heartless,shameless etc..). Normally,i get paid before i render the service or immediately i complete the service.
After rendering the service,she tells me she can't pay me now because she doesn't have money. Waaaaaat!!
Hold up!Now my countenance is between shock and anger..infact it was a sight to behold!LOL!
I'm thinking "So didn't you know you didn't have money to pay me before or even during my service? Wasn't it you that burst out in anger a few weeks back to a similar scenario like this??
Aren't you the heartless and shameless one now???
I just walked out on her with great disappointment!
Little did she know she just played out a classic case of hypocrisy...infact with a lie!!
She obviously decided to take advantage of my trust,tolerance and understanding as a friend!!
Infact,she didn't realise that i posess a sharp memory..unlike her!*smh*

The truth would never see yourself as a hypocrite or even consciously admit that you are one,until the facts are pushed at you before you realise that you have been one at a time...or even being one now in a particular situation!
I can never date a married man,I can never owe anyone money,I can never date my colleague in the office,I can never ever marry a girl/guy i meet in the club,I can never cheat on my wife/husband(as if flirting isn't part of cheating)*sighs*

Hmmm...the list is endless*smh**

My point here is..Don't ever be quick to castigate someone's act because you could just act out the same way when faced with a similar or awkward circumstance!

We are sometimes quick to point fingers,apportion blames or even flatter ourselves by claiming to be better,not knowing we are only human and are bound to make mistakes someday...even mistakes we swear we will never make!!* sighs*

Don't let your lips and your actions speak 2different languages!
Don't be a hypocrite!

Till my next,laugh,love and of cos stay blessed!


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