Dear Self,...

Happy Sunday peeps!
Embracing a new week and new opportunities not because it is valentine's day soon or Lovers week but because its the 2nd month in the year already!Yessss..i said that!LOL!

I know i shldnt get it twisted..Love Is A Beautiful Thing but if u ask me..i think Self-Love is more important,especially at a time you expect to be loved just the way you love someone.

Self-Love helps you through such moments of disappointment!It makes you realise your worth no matter how you are treated. It doesnt make you angry or bitter when your love isn't reciprocated but teaches you that you can love and be loved even in your most unexpected moments,by the least expected person!
But then again,many of us love and are loved back but some love, thinking they are loved back in return,not knowing they could even be in denial of a failed love relationship..afraid to smell the morning coffee!*sighs*

That's where Self-Love reminds you that you don't have to keep taking bullshit all in the name of love when you are such a beautiful being on the inside and on the outside!If you continue loving in a relationship that doesnt love you in return you are slowly killing your garden of love!You will eventually wake up to a day of bitter regrets by the time you decide to face the truth!

It's been said that "Love is a feeling you feel when you feel the feeling"! I agree it's a feeling but you definitely will know when that "feeling" happens!!You can't miss it or not be sure about what you feel and that's why for some people,it happens at 1st sight and for some,it grows with time.
What i never cease to forget is "Love God 1st,love yourself and love others!". Infact love your neighbours as yourself so that's why when you start questioning your love by measuring your sacrifices or looking for a reason(s) to cheat your neighbour or even cheat on your partner you claim to love,then you need to stop being in denial and realise that that's not pure love or true love!
Having said all this,i need to re-iterate my point about Self-Love before i drop my pen here.
It's mandatory to love yourself ENOUGH to know when you are being loved less than you deserve!
When you love yourself truly,you would clearly discern who truly loves you and infact you won't have or entertain doubts about it!
If the love aint real,pure or close to your worth,there's no point wasting your time pouring out love to someone who will not value it! Relate this to a flower that refuses to grow after planting,watering it..etc..A total waste of time if you ask me!!
Love yourself enough to walk away cos God loves you beyond any man and there will be someone somewhere out there who will love every bit of you,just the way you are..with all your flaws and wouldn't wanna change a thing bout you!
Till my next post,live,laugh,love and of cos,remain blessed!!


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