It Could Be Depression...!!

Most people feel anxious or depressed at times. Losing a loved one, getting fired from a job, going through a divorce, and other difficult situations can lead a person to feel sad, lonely, scared, nervous, or even anxious.
These feelings are normal reactions to stress in life.
But some people experience these feelings daily or nearly daily for no apparent reason, making it difficult to carry on with normal, everyday functioning. These people may have an anxiety disorder, depression, or even both!

Do you know that when you're feeling down about everything,irritable over petty things,unexcited about what should ordinarily make you laugh..etc,u just might be experiencing signs of depression? could be mild depression and then when the feelings are waaaay deeper as to erupt thoughts of self-harm or suicide,then we are talking severe depression!
To be honest,i think it's quite easy to fall into a state of mild depression when you find yourself in a circumstance or environment that fails to give you the happiness,satisfaction or fulfillment you desire!

The mere thought of even being in a country where the economic situation doesn't exactly help your sanity because you are struggling to manage with your source of livelihood amidst the increase in prices of almost all the commodities you need for your upkeep,is enough to put one in a state of depression!*shaking my head*
Now the severity of depression will depend on how bad you feel about the situation and how it's affecting your mental state!
It's a serious mood disorder and that's why it affects the way you think,feel,eat,work and any other daily activity you engage in.

Forms of depression or depressive disorders vary. They are slightly different and may develop under unique circumstances!
The forms of depression that have been found common are Persistent Depressive disorder(This is when the depression lasts for at least 2years from major depression to mild depression symptoms through that period).
*Perinatal Depression(This happens to women during pregnancy or after delivery with feelings of extreme sadness,anxiety and exhaustion whilst trying to cope with activities for themselves/their babies).
*Psychotic Depression(This kind of depression comes with delusions and hallucinations,hearing/seeing things other people can't see/hear).
I wouldn't term *Bipolar disorder as just a form of depression but it definitely falls under the list of depressive disorders because someone with Bipolar disorder,experiences episodes of extremely
low moods that meet the criteria for major depression!

Funny how people actually have this disorder and don't even realise it,either out of ignorance or just sheer lack of attention to one's mental health!
Infact,not just for Bipolar disorder but for the others mentioned earlier,it's necessary to pay more attention to one's mental health,so as to treat it early before it becomes a severe condition!
The earlier the treatment begins..the more effective it would be!
The scary part is...Depression can happen at any age!*sighs*

Depression is usually treated with medications,psychotherapy or even both because the truth is,there's no precise treatment but the treatment is determined by finding and trying the most suitable for the individual.

Having said all these,i would mention a few ways to manage depression in your own little way,as for every problem there should be a solution(s)..
*Try to be active,go for walks,exercise regularly or more often
*Try not to isolate yourself but spend time with family and friends 
*Eat healthy 
*Get enough sleep
*Challenge negative thoughts and try something new
*Make time for things you enjoy(or used to enjoy)
*Watch a hilarious TV show/funny movies often
*Listen to music 

...and a lot more you can do to fight depression naturally.

Take your mental health seriously. 
Remember, depression is a very common and highly treatable disease. It's just a matter of recognizing you're feeling bad and finding the treatment that works best for you!

Till my next,laugh,love and of cos...remain blessed!


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