Can Social media be positively addictive?

Too many questions running through my mind but this one tops the list!

If you are like me..coming from an era where decades ago, communication was mostly done by phone calls,texts..even physical visits..then u'll understand why some of us didn't quite embrace it so quickly or with as much excitement as some others do!*sighs*

Don't get me wrong...Actually years ago,I guess I was one of the few who jumped on signing up for facebook and twitter when they started and  I enjoyed the fact that it was a new way of catching up on old  friends and celebrities who I would never have had the opportunity to see or chat with in decades to come!
But then..years after..some others came up like..Flickr,Snapchat etc and am wondering..hmmm??
Now this is the part that paused my steps a bit...
I check them out and am why exactly do I need to sign up for these new ones?
What's so different about their features?I already have a facebook and twitter account so what's the point??

Welll..I know they are free..but guess what?
If one's not careful,they can become addictive!Yesss!!
Trust talking from experience!
When I first signed up back then..every morning..before anything logging on..posting something...checking out people's status or update...infact ,doing this for hours which seemed like minutes!

I was happy doing it like I was being paid!LOL!
But of cos..years later,I realised it became an addiction and that's where I had to draw the line!
The truth is...we have to be responsible for our own influences..positive or negative!
You should do things that inspire you not drain you for free!*smh*

So coming back to my question...can it be a positive addiction??
Definitely!Buuut..the level of addiction is a personal choice!
There's good addiction and there's definitely bad addiction!
The same way u drop your fork after a plate of food and say you're done should be the same way u can put your phone/laptop down and say"Enough of this for now!I have other important stuff I need to do!"
It should be a pastime..something you can do maybe when you're bored or taking a break..but definitely not something to take up hours of your productive day...well..unless you are a media publicist or basically being paid to be online chatting/surfing!!

And soooo after all's being said,I signed up for Instagram a few days ago as my new pastime*smiles*
Not just for looking at beautiful people or uploading pics of myself..LOL!
Wellll..better late than never*wink*
But seriously though..I gave it a long thought and signed up because after checking it out,I realised there were a whole lotta inspiring people to follow,share pics with and even learn from...Writers,Singers...Actors..Photographers..Make-up artists,etc!
My intention is to give my brain something more...something to be inspired by...something to think make me achieve more!!
At the end of the's a personal why don't you seek out people who are motivating,encouraging and can positively influence you somehow?

The truth are the summary of everything you consume so just make sure it's gonna be things that positively influence your mentality and lifestyle!


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