Celebrating LOVE..!!

Happy Lovers day peeps!!!..or would u prefer Happy Valentine's day!!
Ok Wellll..take your pick!LOL!

So it's finally here!!
All the crazy queues at stores selling out red colored clothes,shoes,bags,hats and even handkerchiefs as gifts with increased prices on them like it was going outta fashion!!!

Bad enough that there's normally mad traffic on Saturdays but then yesterday couldn't have been the usual "mad" traffic...thanks to all ye lovers!!! Rushing to buy gifts like y'all dint know all this while today was Val's day!*sticking my tongue out at you*
Or wait a minute...maybe the majority of shoppers were even the ones who had a last minute change of mind??
Wondering whether to bother buying their loved one a gift...maybe even those who broke up during the week and made up yesterday??LOL!!!
Gooosh..I just can't stop laughing at these crazy thoughts tho!!
But you know you really have to excuse my thoughts cos it's a beautiful day anyways as far am concerned!
Why wouldn't you wanna celebrate love whichever way?
Even if you don't have someone to love..or Noone in particular loves you that much to celebrate today with you...pleaaaaase take a good look at yourself!!
If Noone loves you today,God loves you and that's paramount if you ask me!!

His love is unconditional,pure and undying and what better day to celebrate him soooo much than today..Sunday!!!!
Soooo this brings me to the point once again where I wish you a happy,wonderful and blessed Valentine's day!!

*now smiling and popping a bottle of champagne*


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