Be Informed On The Outbreak!!

The Nigerian Ministry of Health has confirmed the outbreak of Lassa fever in some states of the country. With the outbreak of the fever, it is important to put in place preventive and control measures in homes/offices most especially since reported cases have been confirmed in the region.

Lassa fever is caused by infection with the Lassa virus which is spread by rats that live in large numbers in West, Central and East Africa. They carry the virus in their urine and faeces and live in homes and areas where food is stored.

The disease can be contracted by ingestion of foods and drinks contaminated by the saliva, urine and faeces of infected rats; catching and preparing infected rats as food, inhaling tiny particles in the air contaminated with infected rats’ urine or droppings, direct contact with a sick person’s blood or body fluids, through mucous membranes, like eyes, nose or mouth.
Those at the highest risk include health workers, families and friends of an infected person in the course of feeding, holding and caring for them. 

Early symptoms of the disease which occur within three weeks of coming in contact with the virus include fever, headache, chills, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, sore throat, backache and joint pains. Late symptoms include bleeding from the eyes, ears and nose, bleeding from the mouth and rectum, eye swelling, swelling of the genitals and body rashes which often contain blood. It could progress to coma, shock and death.
Lassa fever could be treated with antiviral drugs but the earlier an infected person reports the incidence, the better the outcome of treatment.

However, it is important to promote good hygiene. Here are some more measures to keep in place: 

·         Avoid contact with rats
·         Keep your house and environment clean
·         Cover all foods and water properly.
·         Cook all foods thoroughly
·         Store foodstuffs in rodent proof containers
·         Block all rat hideouts
·         If you suspect that rat has eaten any food, discard it.
·         Family members should always be careful to avoid contact with blood and body fluids while caring for sick persons.

Let’s stay healthy!


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