Creating Opportunities..

I tuned in on a radio show few nights ago and was quite glad I did!
It was at time when I could have being getting ready for my beauty sleep but I decided to sacrifice my time to see if I could learn a thing or 2.

So the topic was about the present situations in Nigeria and what one can do to survive the challenges!
The recent policy by CBN on naira MasterCard used in foreign countries or for foreign transactions was mentioned.
It obviously has not gone down well with a lot of citizens especially those of us who have thrived on daily/weekly foreign transactions!
So the policy is obviously here to stay, due to what the CBN explained as their reason for this policy.

Now the question is...If this policy affects your business,what are you gonna do about it?
The looming economic crisis rocking Nigeria due to the fall in the price of crude oil in the international market,which is the mainstay of the Nigerian economy,may persist longer!
Industry sources have said that,although 2015 was tough,banks are bracing for an even more difficult 2016..and may commence massive staff sack in the Quarter2 of this year*sighs*

Now..this is not just for Nigerians reading this,but for others in countries that are experiencing challenging economies!

The truth is, you can't sit back crying over something you can't change but instead think of changes you can make!
For starters,one needs to explore other avenues to still handle international transactions(that's if you still wanna pursue your foreign businesses)..or even venture into other local businesses!

At first,if it's something you don't have experience on,it's best to seek professional and well trusted advice on the business.
Infact,the moderator mentioned seeking advice from a professional with proven results, because due to desperation sometimes,we end taking up suggestions from self-acclaimed business men who actually don't have successful results to show for their advice!*sighs*

Also,be ready to take risks and make provision for losses.
You can't go into a business hoping and praying losses won't come!
More often,it does.. but you need to understand that when it does,you have to be psychologically prepared to handle it because you have made a choice to embark on that journey!
You can't sit in the confines of your house hoping the great miracle of success would just knock on your door without you taking a step!
You need to think it through,take that step and hopefully along the way,that miracle will find its way to you!

An example was given in relation to a car.
When you try and turn your tyres when it's stationary,it's pretty difficult but as you begin to move,you can turn the tyres freely!

Same goes for taking a step into an can't be stationary and expect to be able to turn things round!

The truth is ...Fear within us, most times of the unknown, is so strong that it just beclouds one's sense of successful reasoning!
As a matter of fact,he said one should even welcome failure!
I know it sounds crazy but he said it's better to fail knowing you tried ,than just sitting there not even trying at all and later wondering about if u had/if you hadn't!

The truth is ..everyone has a God-given talent!
Don't even kid yourself that you don't have a talent!
The 1st step is recognising that talent and creating a value out of it!
You need to sit down and ask yourself.."What am I really good at?"
A lotta options might come up on your list but what do you really LOVE doing?
Now when you settle on that particular passion,you might realise you don't have enough experience or knowledge to even push that skill out to potential clients.
This is where sacrifice comes in!

Do you realise that it's at that point you need to invest in yourself!
Equip and make a better packaging of your talent/passion by attending trainings,taking up courses etc.
It ranges from learning the art of makeup,tailoring,catering to even writing!!
It will amaze you how hundreds of opportunities are under these professions and that's why it's called an investment!
Yesss..I know all the trainings or seminars cost money but don't forget that when you pay to become a skilled professional,that knowledge can never be taken from you and that's your investment!

Once you become have added great value to your talent/passion and then you can now present yourself as a better packaged professional with due time..your potential clients will be ready to pay for that valued service you are able to render!

I can already picture a few people saying "I don't have money for that now."..but if you were gonna buy the new iPhone or a new tablet,that money would come out from somewhere!*rolling my eyes *

If you have to save towards your plan,by all means save!But don't give yourself excuses that will stop you from growing!
You can't continue complaining that government is doing this..or not doing that!
In this same country...under the same government..some are smiling!!
You know why...
Let me help you make it clearer with a well known quote from Vivian Greene.. "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...but learning to dance in the rain!"

If you have to save the picture and look at it every morning for some motivation,please do so!

As I sign out..I personally intend to try out new things again this year and have decided to even save money towards a few projects I intend to explore.
If you haven't already found your passion,I hope you find it and put it to good use because it's your responsibility to make prosperity out of the talent God has already blessed u with!

As always,I would love to hear your suggestions,comments or anything  that you can share regarding this post.


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