Dream maker...or Dream Killer?

I have heard someone say "If your dreams don't scare you...then it's not big enough!"

Funny as it sounds… it's kinda true.

That's obviously why it's a dream! You can't be dreaming the normal or usual things because those happen around you everyday.

It's something different, something so unimaginable that it even scares you! But guess what?

It takes you to make that dream reality someday..somehow! It might not be in the exact form of the dream...but at least bits and pieces of the dream could make up that reality you want it to be!

At that point, you are a Dream maker but what do you do with the dream??

That's the big question!

Do you make something out of it...or do you kill that dream? *sighs*

Don’t let your dreams just be dreams! A winner is a dreamer who never gives up!

Don’t let anyone ever make you think you don’t deserve what you want! Being a dreamer doesn’t actually mean walking around with your head in the clouds!

Dreaming of your goals or ambitions are like the spark plugs of life, providing the motivation to keep you focused on your goals….But you have to remember though, that to make those dreams come true, you have to follow your own and not someone else’s!

If you have to be a dream maker, be a doer too and believe that anything is possible!

In the eyes of a dreamer, it begins with just one thought!

I actually do a lot of thinking before I sleep*smiles* I ask myself a lot of questions…I play out scenes in my head…I practice the things I wanna say..I make plans for the next day….I think of all the people I miss….I have endless “What If’s”! *sighs*

Well..i guess one is never too old to set another goal…or well..to dream a new dream!

Too many of us aren’t living our dreams because we are living our fears so you need to just close your ears to adverse suggestions and never mind if people call you a fool or a dreamer!

Believe in your dreams! No one else might understand it or even approve because it’s yours!

Let your dreams be bigger than your fears and of cos…let your actions be waaay louder than your words!

Be a dream maker and doer…not a dream killer!


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