Cheating Is Not All About Sex In A Relationship!

Heyyyy people!Hw y'all doing? Hope good!!
It's always interesting to the eyes or ears whenever a discussion on relationships come up..single/married!
I was at a hang out with friends and in the course of our catching up,we arrived at this baffling talk bout men cheating on their girlfriends/wives!
Well...i will share a bit of it today and i believe we can all learn a thing or 2..not just for the ladies...but the guys too!

To begin with ....
IS CHEATING REALLY ALL ABOUT SEX?? would surprise you that apparently it's not!
Emotional Dissatisfaction is actually a very strong reason why a partner could cheat!
Infact a lot of cheating partners actually say they strayed because of emotional dissatisfaction!!
Hmmm...So much for the myth that, for men mostly..cheating is all about sex*shaking my head*
Funny enough,some men have actually said that sexual dissatisfaction was not the main factor for their infidelity even though our culture tells us that all men need to be happy... is sex!

First reason that could make a man cheat is Lack of Appreciation.
Men are actually emotion-driven beings just like the ladies and they want to be appreciated by their girlfriends/wives and understood too!
Now the problem is...some men don't quite express their feelings so that makes it pretty hard for the lady to know when her man is in need of affection or affirmation!*sighs*
Second reason is Poor Communication/Connection.
Infact ...most times the man's emotional needs are overlooked because he wouldn't come out straight asking for understanding,affection...or even a pat on the back while going through trying times..

....and when he gets all this elsewhere,he's bound to eventually cheat with someone who gives him all these!

On the other hand,ladies could cheat for a whole lot of reasons..but i will just mention a few...
Firstly...Attention is the first reason that comes to mind.
Ladies want to feel wanted...desired and irresistable so if they are not recieving this desired intimacy,mental and emotional will only be a matter of time and they will seek it elsewhere from another caring guy or attentive friend...consciously or unconsciously!

It doesn't mean it won't lead to sex..but intially they just crave the attention/compassion that has been missing from their partner.
Another observed reason is Revenge!If a guy has cheated on his is an act quite difficult to forgive!It negatively affects the lady's mood,behaviour...even the ability to trust!If a lady has been cheated,she most likely will want to get revenge so the guy can feel the way she felt!

I cannot but mention...Bad Sex as another reason for a lady to cheat. I know a lot people say "Sex is so overrated these days"....but errrm...for some ladies...who want to feel desired and even experience orgasms during sex...if they aren't getting it from their partner,they would eventually lose interest and look elsewhere for some GOOD sex!
The last reason that comes to mind(even though not the final reason because there are a whole lot more) !Low self esteem When a lady doesn't love/value herself..she's insecure about herself and even if her partner loves her greatly,she may still cheat because she finds it hard to accept that unconditional love!
So now you can see why Emotional dissatisfaction is pretty common among couples....and could result in a reason for a partner cheating....and not just sex!!

Ok guys...due to the fact that this is such a broad going to have to stop here today and conclude on my next post*sad much* stay posted!
Please feel free to drop your comments/additions to the post as usual...share with family and friends on facebook,twitter,bb...wateva...
Until my next post...most importantly....Live,Love,Laugh...and remain blessed!


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