Let The Countdown Begin!!

Yessso Yessso*in TuFace's voice*!!It's one week to Christmas!!
Am sure some of you are wondering what all the excitement is about..LOL!!
Welll..Sooo many reasons actually..

For starters,it's a beautiful season of love and it also reminds you that the year is coming to an end in a bit!
This season is about love...not just feeling loved but showing love to others in return.

Truth is...as I have grown older,the spirit of Christmas is not as intense for me as it used to be when I was a lot younger*sighs*

Does that surprise you?Welll..back in the days I was soooo excited about Christmas because I knew I would get lots of gifts(not just from Santa*wink*)but from my parents and siblings.

Infact,I started writing up my list of expected presents from November and mentioning them at every given opportunity,so at least I gave everyone enough notice and of course,making sure I don't get what I already have...hehehe!
There was so much love in the air that you just couldn't afford to be excited!!There were also events to look forward to..either on Christmas eve,Christmas day or even Boxing day!

So anyways..bringing me back before I reminisce away..this season of love would spur me on to show love and even kindness to people I come across..especially if I have not exactly being that nice in the earlier part of the year*covering my face*

Please I cannot afford to enter the new year with funny feelings of regret,anger,pain..bla bla!I wanna begin the new year with refreshing rays of hope,faith and love!!

Don't get it twisted..it's not some new year resolution..more like new year inspiration*wink*

Welll..moving on..I guess I am also excited because even if I don't get to paaartay all week..at least I get to see family and friends I haven't had time to laugh with all year(thanks to the public holidays) and of course,eat all the meals I have been day dreaming and drooling over in my sleep!LOL!

I sure intend to get enough rest through all of these celebrations so that I can also enter the new year strong and healthy enough to face anything that comes my way!

Okkk...nuff said...Let the countdown begin!!!!!!

Until my next post...most importantly..live,laugh..love..and remain blessed!


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