Making That First Impression Good Enough!

Hey people! Hope y'all are having a great weekend!
Welllll...if I must speak for myself...I sure am..but I know my idea of a great weekend might not exactly be at par with what you see as a great weekend*wink*

Speaking of weekends, for some almost seems like a routine to be out at a wedding/party..or a hang out of some sort..or even church fellowships etc.
Welll...whatever the occasion..I always have this old saying cropping up in my head "First impressions last the longest!"..and I think it's true*sighs*

If you don't believe it..Think about my questions for a minute...
"Why do kids write about their 1st day at school?"
"When a couple try to reminisce about their normally includes..I remember the 1st day we met..?"
"When a colleague also tries to recollect some past event in the office..there is a mention of The 1st day..or the 1st time we went to a client..etc?"

Okkk..anyways...all I am saying is that when you are at a gathering and meeting someone or people for a first time...try to make that impression good enough because it happens to be the one that's the hardest to forget*sighs*

To begin with..
Avoid negativity at all your comments,responses or even suggestions!Try to put a positive spin on the matters for discussion.
You know..emotions are infectious..and when you start spilling out negativity..the people around you will feel it and that might give the wrong vibes about your personality!

Next one that comes to Dressing the part.
At all must dress properly...more like appropriately..which is wearing outfits for the right occasion/environment!
It has been said times without number.."Dress how you want to be addressed!"
Why would a lady wear club wear to church and expect everyone to look at her as normal??

Why would a guy wear a sleeveless shirt to church showing all his tattoos and think he should sit in the front row??
Let's call a spade a spade and not a fork!!
Normally when you walk into a place...people look at you and will begin to judge you long before you open your mouth!
For guys..a good shirt or blazer speaks a thousand words..just make sure its clean and well ironed. Your grooming,hair style ,perfume and other things to complete the look should be impeccable!
For the ladies..from the right top/ the shoes,bag,perfume and accessories..that fashion statement has to be on point!
No matter how you look at it..Dressing right is essential!

Last but not the least is....Smile!
Yeaaah I kno rite! Kinda hard sometimes especially if you were forced to go out..but guess what?
Smiling is one of the simplest and most effective ways to make a good first impression!
Infact, it immediately helps put the other person/people at ease and relax on the tension.
Starting conversations with a smile normally gets the best me
You come across as a friendly person and people are not threatened by your looks.
But hold up...It's important that when you choose to smile ..It's not fake!!!
Fake smiles kill interactions please it's better you don't even smile than stressing your mouth muscles looking like Mr Bean! 

Ok guys...wish I could mention one or two more but gotta go now*sad much*
Hope you remember one or two of these tips as u paaartay..or just hanging out you enjoy your weekend!!

Please feel free to share with family and friends on fb,twitter,etc...and drop your comments if you wish.

Until my next post...most importantly..Live, Love,Laugh..and remain blessed!


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