Cheating Is Not All About Sex In A Relationship! Part 2

Hallo peeps!!
Hope you had a great wkend! Well I got some rest so I guess that counts*sighs*
So as we discussed in my last post...
Does it make sense to cheat on your partner?NO!!So why do it? I mentioned in my 1st post on Cheating...some would claim it wasn't because of sex.. but other interesting reasons!
I would just add these 2 to the ones I earlier talked about.

Social Media Flirting
Yeaaaah...Social media!!All types..Facebook,Twitter,WeChat..etc!
It may surprise you but it has been a trend that many couples question whether it makes or mars their relationship!
Usually borne out of boredom..or sheer curiousity..not necessarily for sex, a partner could cheat through this means!
From discussions,this is actually a trend for a couple of people found cheating on their partners. The bored/adventurous partner gets on social media(fb,twitter,etc) and reaches out to past acquaintances/friends and starts having series of chats /messages..which will eventually be an invitation to have something happen!

Actually,some might call it innocent flirting but i call it cheating..especially when the partner cannot have the same kind of chats wit her/his significant other!

Note: Facebooking,Twittering,etc have the strong potential to lead to infidelity,depending on the kind of chats/messages shared by the partner!

Loss of Male Ego/Feminine Confidence
It is human to feel that you are not being treated according to your worth..or value...sometime in a relationship.

When a man feels like his lady is crushing his ego..he doesn't stray because he thinks he will get better sex from another lady,but in most cases,he would cheat just to fill up that void and feel like a man again.

On the other hand,a lady could cheat because her partner has stopped appreciating her worth which makes her loose her confidence&to regain this,she will give a listening ear to the guy who comes along praising and treating her like a queen!

In conclusion to all i have said,it can be seen that a partner doesnt just cheat because of sex...but possibly because of the reasons mentioned&even more reasons i cannot mention now*sighs*

Most cheating partners usually deny it when accused(especially if sex hasn't happened yet)...So instead...take charge of what you can control---Your own behaviour..and take the lead in bringing your relationship to a better place!

Don't contemplate showing appreciation/affection to your partner ,prioritize your time together&even initiate sex more if you have to*wink*

Give your partner reasons to always have you at the top of his/her mind and always communicate how you feel!

On this note...i would say... You can create a relationship culture of RICH communication,understanding,appreciation and thoughtfulness—and once you set the tone your partner is most likely to match it!

Ok guys...i really hope this will inspire&enrich you somehow in your relationship(s)!
Gotta go now...
Please feel free to comment and share with family,friends on fb,twitter,Wateva....
Till my next post..most importantly...Live, Love..Laugh..and remain blessed!


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