Welcoming 2016 realistically...

It's not the usual walk into the new year with a loooong list of resolutions so am just gonna make it simple&reasonable this time*big smile*

I dunno bout u but I have awlays believed in that saying .."Whoever fails to plan..plans to fail"..Sooo..Am definitely gonna plan with all the faith&hope my soul can possibly muster!

When I say plan..Am not referring to unrealistic goals which have being somewhat of the case in the past years*sighs*
It's more like..grabbing the new possibilities that would come my way and turning them around somehow for my good!

I had been told years back that sometimes you'd be amazed how God answers your requests!!
From the simplest signs He gives you...to the most unexpected person He speaks through!
It just wouldn't take Him coming down and tossing the response to your requests in your palms!!*sighs*

It also might not come at a time when you expect..but it eventually comes..Yesss...in His time!
So don't give up on waiting..just be prepared*wink*

Now imagine the scenario where a guy asks for a loan from his office and the request is denied...months later..his salary is increased and he is even given a bonus waaaay bigger than he deserved on his performance!
Now guess what...to him..that loan was denied&as far as he was concerned..his prayer wasn't answered at that time!
Now as far as I'm concerned..his prayer was definitely answered(even though in a different form like I earlier mentioned) and infact it came at a better time when God felt he was more prepared to handle that finance request!

Now am no Saint..or better still..in a position to completely interprete God's word in all its entirety so am hoping you get my point with that one scenario*sighs*

Anyways..all I am saying is..sometimes we have unrealistic expectations..especially when walking into a new year..like you have some magic wand to make things happen the way you want&when you want..Wellll..you might have to rethink on that one!

Be realistic..or better still more reasonable and have an open mind towards all these plans so when things start working out,you are not blinded by your high expectations&allow it pass you by!

Don't get it twisted..like I said before..by all means plan!!
You can't afford not to...you can't afford not to have goals no matter what cos at least that keeps you on track!
Besides,who says plans can't change later..especially to suit that present circumstance!
Just like some people change their names when they get older because they discover the meaning of their names would not aid their lives positively*smiles*

There always has to be a plan for sure ..but trust me..plans are subject to change, depending on the peculiar circumstance!!

As for me,I release all things from the past year that have caused any negative attachment!
I prepare and welcome new changes,new lessons and new adventures!
I welcome new opportunities to grow emotionally,mentally and spiritually!!..You should too...*big smile*

On that note..I warmly welcome you to 2016,also being thankful that I made it outta 2015 alive,breathing..and healthy just like you!

I also hope&pray this year brings us the blessings our hearts desires and may we have the sight to see them when they come and use them for our good&the good of mankind...Amennnnn!!
Have a happy and blessed New Year!!


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