Think Again About That Crash-Diet Plan!

Heyyyy people!!hp ur havin a great week!!*wink*
Dont know bout you but i am gearing my body&soul towards the wonderful yuletide season!!
Now that brings me to what i am discussing today! I intend to celebrate this season to its fullest, guzzling down all the rice&chicken i will possibly lay my hands on!LOL!!!

Yeaaaah,i know where your mind's i do that..i should keep checking the weight scale,right? not only gonna do that..i will also keep in mind right portions and of cos..balanced meals!!
I had the opportunity of having a chat with a nutritionist a while back&i decided to share this..especially for those who seem to be dieting but not getting it right...more like..not doing it right!!

You must understand that the best method to losing weight is done eating a balanced diet containing all the necessary food nutrients the body needs..including healthy fats!! A lot of dieters follow the path of crashing about 7-10kg in a week and honestly...its not a good path!
When you can no longer continue with the routine of the crash diets& you return to your normal food intake,you will end up regaining your lost weight..sometimes even more! Its possible to do crash diets&lose a lot in a week or 2, but you will begin to feel unhealthy..or a bit sick because your body is actually lacking nutrients!

Let's start with that myth about cutting down all forms of carbohydrates. The truth your aggressive quest to lose will be doing your body a lot of damage when you stop consuming carbs!
I agree you will lose some pounds....yeaaah I kno..But the after effects could be dangerous because Carbs are actually the most preferred fuel source to run our entire body system!!! So i am sure you understand why i would not completely rule out carbs in my diet*sighs*

Now lets go further into another path that some dieters follow which is the consumption of Just Fruits as meals!

You might find this diet funny but it is unbelievably true because fruits are actually healthy&some even work hard to fill you up enough to skip meals!!
Now the truth is...if you eat only will be missing out on Protein,which is critical in the development and repair of the body tissues!

Dont even kid yourself!! The " Only Fruits diet" cannot drive your body's metabolism on its own because it does that with the aid of some food already you would essentially lose out on other necessary food nutrients found in proper meals!

Lastly,this is more often an unintentional act..because i am guilty of this too!LOL!
 Well..mine is not for diet reasons..but more of a day being real busy sometimes..or fasting reasons every now&then.
 So anyways for those who intentionally eat a meal a day,it is just unacceptable! If you are fasting for spiritual reasons..i can relate to that&accept it during the period of fast...But if not..hmmmmm!

 Did you know that studies have shown that people who do this "one meal a day diet" tend to eat larger portions during this one meal,than if they had eaten 2 or 3 meals a day in appropriate portions??

Well..the truth is..once you avoid fuelling your body with appropriate will begin to lose concentration on daily activities!!

Speaking for myself...this is one of the reasons why this One-Meal-A-Day cant work for me because i like to be alert and always have a lot to trust body would definitely not find it funny if i starve it of what it help me function.

Having said all this...i cant but help remembering my mother's words.."Different strokes for different folks"!!

At this 2cents on this is...Eat frequent ,nutritious ,small portioned meals and of cos fruits daily that will help your metabollism, while ensuring that your calorie intake is at recommended levels.
 In addition,a little workout or exercise 2-3times weekly would also help you lose the weight&stay healthy too!

 Ok guys...gotta go now*yawns* I hope this helps you on your healthier path somehow... Not just for this season but as a healthy routine.
Pls feel free to share with family,friends on fb,twitter,etc You can also drop your comments if you wish to do so.. Until my next post...most importantly..Live,Laugh,Love...and remain blessed!


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